View Ridge Elementary

View Ridge

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View Ridge ~ Attendance

Aagaard, Ellen

Instructional Assistant
Daniel Azer

Azer, Daniel

4th Grade Teacher
Melissa Bedard

Bedard, Melissa

2nd Grade Teacher
Berkey, Randall

Berkey, Randall

Jeong Chi

Chi, Jeong

Instrumental Music Teacher

2024-25 Schedule


  • AM: Magnolia
  • PM: Lawton


  • AM: View Ridge
  • PM: Orca K-8


  • Decatur 206-252-3230 (p) ; 206-252-3231 (f)


  • Loyal Heights


  • AM: Lafayette
  • PM: Coe

About Jeong Chi

I'm delighted to go on this

Journey of learning with
Everyone who comes to my classroom. We will
Overcome challenges and
Never give up until this world
Gets better because of you and me!

Education: MEd San Jose State University / BA Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Ana Crossman

Crossman, Ana

5th Grade Teacher
Photo of Lindsey Daniels

Daniels, Lindsey

Kindergarten Teacher
Drennan, Ella

Drennan, Ella

1st Grade Teacher
Jeramie Drollinger

Drollinger, Jeramie

Physical Education Teacher

I graduated from Central Washington University in 2012 with a bachelors degree in Physical Education and an endorsement in Elementary Education. I went back to Central Washington University in 2018 and graduated with my masters in Health and Physical Education in 2020.

I am teaching 1st-5th grade Physical Education and Health. I have taught K-12 and I enjoy teaching the little kids. I am looking forward to my 7th year at Decatur Elementary.

Rina Geoghagan

Geoghagan, Rina

Principal, 504 Building Coordinator

I am a Seattle native, born on Capitol Hill and raised in Wallingford. As a child, I always wanted to become a teacher like my grandmother. She was a middle school Spanish teacher in Detroit, Michigan for over 30 years. I loved hearing her stories and always knew that being a teacher was my destiny.

I attended The Evergreen State College and received a BA in Spanish and Latin American Studies. After graduating from college, I spent time living and traveling in South America.

After returning to the United States, I decided to return to Evergreen where I earned a Master’s in Teaching. I began teaching elementary school in 2001 in the Shoreline School District. I spent eight years teaching grades three through six in both Highly Capable and regular education classrooms.

I was also a literacy coach and mentor teacher which has helped me to support both new and experienced teachers. In addition to my experience in elementary school, I taught Language Arts and Social Studies at Whitman Middle School in the Seattle School District. My broad classroom experiences provided me with a strong foundation in instruction and differentiation.

I have been the Decatur principal since the building reopened in 2018. Previously, I served as the founding principal of Cascadia Elementary School when it was located in the Lincoln High School building. Leading Cascadia was an incredible experience that helped prepare me for my position as the principal at Decatur Elementary School.

As a parent and principal in Seattle Public Schools, I understand what makes a school successful and I am excited to be opening Decatur Elementary School and working with our amazing teachers and families to make the school a community for everyone.

Go Gators!

Kathryn Hanson

Hanson, Katy

Art Teacher

Husein, Amal

IA Focus Program
Jungbluth, Nora

Jungbluth, Nora

Social Worker, Homeless Program/McKinney Vento Program Building contact
Lisa Kadobayashi

Kadobayashi, Lisa

5th Grade Teacher
Lisa Kelly

Kelly, Lisa

5th Grade Teacher
Photo of Laura Koch

Koch, Laura

Kindergarten Teacher
Lee, Gemma

Lee, Gemma

Physical Therapist

Leggitt, Stacy

Occupational Therapist
Photo of Sejin Maddaloni

Maddaloni, Sejin

School Nurse