View Ridge Elementary
View Ridge Elementary is a Seattle School District K-5 elementary school located in the northeast part of the city. The main building was completed in 1948 and it has had many remodeling improvements over the years. The school runs with an average enrollment of 300 students.
Our school offers services to K – 5th grades, Focus classrooms and Special Education. Along with the certified classroom teachers, there are certificated specialists in art, music, physical education, and library. View Ridge Elementary is also fortunate to have an exceptionally active PTA and Governance Team.
For those interested in the history of the area, building renovations or programs the schools has had, we invite you to learn more of our history from the book, Building For Learning: Seattle Public Schools Histories 1862-2022. https://www.seattleschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Building-for-Learning-2022-View-Ridge.pdf
Seattle Public Schools has a no tolerance policy towards weapons, drugs, or alcohol on its campuses and at District-sponsored activities.
Mission and Vision
The mission of View Ridge Elementary School is to build an inclusive community of leaders who are curious and creative learners. We are developing global citizens who care for the environment and others. We foster growth through rigorous curricula that incorporates technology, the arts, PE, social emotional learning and positive behavior support.
Our Vision
At View Ridge we are courageous, confident and compassionate lifelong learners. We prepare and motivate our students for a rapidly changing world by developing critical thinking skills, appreciation for the arts, and a global perspective. Students will advocate for themselves and others with emphasis on social, physical and emotional health.
Overall Goal
Student Learning
One of our continuing goals is how to best deliver quality instruction to various instructional groups, throughout all grades in order to meet the academic needs of all students.
We demonstrated cohort data growth in our SBA assessment data and goals and continue to set high and reasonable targets, built on cohort data from the previous year. Our whole school goal focuses on SBA measurements as the assessment impacts students in grades 3-5 serves as a summative measurement to compare results.
What will success look like? (SMART Goal to target level of performance desired)
Goal for increased percentage of students proficient in ELA on the state test:
3rd Grade to 83%
4th Grade to 85%
5th Grade to 90%
Goal for increased percentage of students proficient in Math on the state test:
3rd Grade to 80%
4th Grade to 83%
5th Grade to 85%
Contact Us
Will your student be late or absent?
Call or email attendance: 206-252-5604
Phone Numbers:
Main Office: 206-252-5600
Attendance: 206-252-5604
Fax: 206-252-5601
Principal: Rina Geoghagan: legeoghagan@seattleschools.org
Administrative Secretary: Lori Moore llmoore@seattleschools.org
Attendance Specialist: Denise Koenig dbkoenig@seattleschools.org