View Ridge Elementary

View Ridge


Emergency and General Student Information 

First Day Packet 

View Ridge Elementary School


The following is a list of very important documents for your review. We have indicated how to complete and/or return each individual document. 

Some of these are district forms and can be found on their website. Translations are also available for most forms on the district  Start of School Forms page.

On Line – Student Verification Form/Health Registration Form/Emergency Information:
This form lists the official information that is in the student information system for your student. This is vital for knowing who your student can be released to in an emergency and to ensure all health information is up to date for your student. 

This information can be reviewed and changes must be made online through the Source every year.
Please visit the Source Information page for how to login or set up an account. The nurse also uses the Health registration form in The Source to keep updated on your student’s health information.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Form/Seattle Public Schools – FERPA and PPRA (Return by October 1st if opting out):

This form explains what certain rights parents/guardians of students under the age of 18 have with respect to the student’s education records. You also have a right to choose whether your student’s information is released or not. Your student will be automatically opted in unless this form is completed by October 1st. This form is only required if you choose to opt out.  FERPA Form

Return Options:

Complete online.

Print, complete and return to school during office hours.

Complete, save and email (or request a copy)

Survey Form to Identify Disabled Students – 504-2 (if applicable):
This survey should be filled out if you think your child has a disability or if you have documentation that your child is disabled (and is NOT currently served by Special Education) and needs some help from the School District to benefit from his or her educational experience. If your child does not currently receive 504 services or is not disabled, you do not need to complete this form. Find it here: Identify Disable Students 504-2

Return Options:

Complete online.

Print, complete and return to school during office hours.

Complete, save and email (or request a copy)

Indian Education Program, Title VI – New students only (if applicable):
This form serves as the official record of the eligibility determination for each individual child included in the student count for the Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant Program. If you choose to submit a form, your child could be counted for funding under the program. Find it: Indian Education Program, Title V

Return Options:

Complete online.

Print, complete, and return to school during office hours.
Complete, save and email (or request a copy)

Student Housing Questionnaire (McKinney-Vento) (If Applicable)
This form helps identify people who may be experiencing homelessness or an unstable living arrangement.
Find it here:Student Housing Questionnaire (McKinney-Vento)

Return Options:

Complete online.

Print, complete and return to school during office hours. 
Complete, and email (or request a copy)

PTA and School Information

View Ridge Family Support Opt-In Form (posted soon)

Hunger Intervention Program Enrollment Form (posted soon)

View Ridge PTA Welcome Back Letter, Calendar and Volunteer Opportunities

Additional District Flyers and Forms